2021 presentation guide
Presentation guide
Deadline: October 4th
Video specifications:
- Each video should be at most 15 minutes long. After streaming the video, 5 minutes live Q&A will be followed (i.e., a total of 20 minutes per presentation).
- File format: MP4.
- Video resolution: at least 720p.
- Aspect ratio: 16:9 preferred.
- Maximum file size: 300MB.
- Record the presenter’s face as well in the video. Make sure that the presenter’s picture doesn’t cover the slides.
- Please use the specified virtual background for your speaker’s view.
- Option 1. Zoom to do video recordings (see).
- Option 2. QuickTime for macOS users (e.g., blog).
- Option 3. Loom for Windows, macOS users.
- Option 4. Microsoft Powerpoint (PC version only, see).
- Option 5. Linux users (many options depending on your set up).
- Video Editing Option 1: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/.
- Video Editing Option 2: https://obsproject.com/.
Slides specifications:
- Download the SecDev template.
(Keynote or google slide users can open/import this powerpoint slide, and adjust spacing accordingly) - File format: PDF.
- Aspect ratio: 16:9 preferred.
- Maximum file size: 50MB.
Videos/slides uploads:
Upload the videos/slides here. We will put the videos on Youtube in unlisted mode and share them to the registered attendees only.
- The video file should be named: “s%d-%02d-%s.mp4” % (session_id, order, last_name).
- The slides should be named: “s%d-%02d-%s.pdf” % (session_id, order, last_name).
- e.g.,
- Tutorial Track A, Tutorial 1 -> tutorial-A1-lastname.pdf
- Session I, paper 2 video-> session1-1-lastname.mp4
- Session II: paper 1 slide -> session2-1-lastname.pdf
Poster Preparation Guide
Deadline: October 11th
Poster Specifications:
- File format: PDF.
- Aspect ratio: 16:9 preferred.
- Maximum file size: 50MB.
Video Specifications:
- Each video should be at most 7 minutes long to describe the background, motivation, idea, methodology and/or results in the poster.
- File format: MP4.
- Video resolution: at least 720p.
- Aspect ratio: 16:9 preferred.
- Maximum file size: 300MB.
- Option 1. Zoom to do video recordings (see).
- Option 2. QuickTime for macOS users (e.g., blog).
- Option 3. Loom for Windows, macOS users.
- Option 4. Microsoft Powerpoint (PC version only, see).
- Option 5. Linux users (many options depending on your set up).
- Video Editing Option 1: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/.
- Video Editing Option 2: https://obsproject.com/.
Videos and Poster PDF uploads:
Upload the videos/slides here. We will put the videos on Youtube in unlisted mode and share them to the registered attendees only.
- The video file should be named: “poster-%s-%s.mp4” % (first_word_in_title, last_name).
- The poster PDF should be named: “poster-%s-%s.pdf” % (first_word_in_title, last_name).
Video Release Consent Forms
We would like to share your presentation video publicly on the SecDev website. If you allow us to do so, please sign the consent form linked below, and upload the form using the link below. Please name your form by (session_number, order, last name) in the same way as you name your slides. Posters follow poster naming schemes. The deadline is the same as your slides/video deadline.