September 24-26, 2017 At the Hyatt Regency, Cambridge, MA

IEEE Secure Development Conference



Posted on: March 3rd, 2017 by Yousef Iskander

SecDev is a venue for presenting ideas, research, and experience about how to develop secure systems.

SecDev is distinguished by its focus on how to “build security in” (and not simply to discover the absence of security). Its goal is to encourage and disseminate ideas for secure system development among both academia and industry. Developers have valuable experiences and ideas that can inform academic research, and researchers have concepts, studies, and even code and tools that could benefit developers. We anticipate that attendees from academic conferences like IEEE S&P, USENIX Security, PLDI, FSE, ISSTA, SOUPS, and many others could contribute ideas to SecDev, as could attendees of industrial conferences like AppSec, RSA, Black Hat, and Shmoocon.

We’ve selected our exciting keynotes and talks. We’re now looking for posters and lightning talks! We’re also looking for nominations for the IEEE Awards for Innovation and Practice!

We’re seeking donors to the 2017 conference.  Last year we had terrific invited talks, presentations, and tutorials.

Keynote Speakers

Secure Design: A Better Bug Repellent
Christoph Kern, Google

Defense-in-Depth at Facebook with Static Analysis
Francesco Logozzo, Facebook

Scaling Secure Development by Changing the Software Culture Code
Eric Baize, SAFEcode, Dell EMC


Building a Business Around Secure Development

In the wake of on-going cyber-attacks against users (WannaCry), companies (Dyn), and countries (Petya), secure development is becoming increasingly important. Although these attacks are all recent, members of this panel are pioneers who anticipated these attacks. In some cases they are seeking to bring new tools and technologies to defend against these attacks, and in others they have already brought some of the best available tools to market. This panel will explore the process of finding a great idea that will matter, getting some seed funding to build a product, getting help from an incubator, and bringing that product to market.

Dr. Nadia Carlsten

Reed Sturtevant

Chris Wysopal


John Steven

Stephen Boyer



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