Call for Posters
SecDev is looking for poster presentations to be presented at SecDev’18.
Posters should present unpublished results about early or in-progress research projects. Each poster should have a 1 page abstract that briefly describes the problem being solved, the details of the approach, and at least some preliminary results.
See the original call for papers for more information about the scope of submissions.
At least one author of each accepted poster will be required to attend the conference to present the posters on September 30th, during the reception. Setup will take place at the start of the reception period.
Submission deadline: | Wednesday, Aug 8, 2018 (anywhere on earth) |
Notification: | Wednesday, Aug 15, 2018 |
Submitted abstracts should be 1 page long, not including bibliographic references. Poster abstracts need to show author names and affiliations (i.e., not anonymized). Poster title needs to include the “POSTER:” prefix. Poster abstracts must be submitted using the two-column IEEE Proceedings style available for various document preparation systems at the IEEE Conference Publishing Services page. Poster abstracts will not be included in the IEEE proceeding.
Submit your abstract here:
If you have any questions about submissions, send an email to