IEEE Cybersecurity Development Conference

September 30-October 2, 2018 | Cambridge, MA

Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Security and Privacy


Student Travel Grants

Posted on: April 19th, 2018 by Yousef Iskander
Student Travel Grants

The conference organizers would like to thank the National Science Foundation for their generous support in covering these grants.

Who should apply:

We encourage applications from students from a wide variety of institutions, diverse backgrounds, and first time attendees. The travel grants will be given to students enrolled in U.S. institutions.

Award Criteria:

Given our limited funds, we are unable to provide awards to all applicants. Preference will be given to students working on security and privacy, students who can show evidence of financial need to attend the symposium or workshops, students from institutions not traditionally represented at the conference, and students from diverse backgrounds. The awards are not intended for authors of accepted papers or posters, but students with accepted papers will also be considered for travel awards.

Primary Award Description:

The financial support is intended for students attending US-based graduate institutions. Students will be granted support based on criteria that include: demonstrated scholarship and financial need. Special consideration will be given to including students from groups that are under-represented in cybersecurity.

The individual travel grants are intended to cover costs of: air travel, conference registration, and lodging for two nights. The total amount of an individual grant is expected to be the actual documented expenses, not to exceed $1300. Exact amounts may vary depending on the amount of funds available and the number of awards made.

Supplementary awards for child and/or family care:

In some cases, a student’s child and/or family care responsibilities may be an additional consideration in attending the conference. To accommodate such cases, we would like to offer supplementary award funds of up to $500 to cover child or family care expenses. Exact amounts may vary depending on the amount of funds available and the number of awards made.

Conference organizers may be able to assist in locating family care facilities should they need this type of assistance. As in the case of primary awards, supplementary rewards will only reimburse actual documented expenses.

How to apply:

Applications are due by June 1, 2018 June 15, 2018. Students will be notified by July 3, 2018 about their award decision. Note that the early registration deadline is August 17, 2018. Applications for student grants should be emailed to:

An application for a travel award will consist of a single PDF file with the following content.

  • The student’s resume
  • A statement from the student indicating:
    • What are the student’s research interests
    • How the student expects to benefit from attending the conference
  • A letter of recommendation from the student’s research advisor with a justification of the student’s financial need

If your company or government organization would like to make a targeted donation to support such attendance, please contact the donations chair.