2020 Posters
We solicit posters and tool demos for presentation at SecDev. Posters should present unpublished results about early or in-progress research projects. Demonstrations should be of publicly-available tools that facilitate secure development of software. Submissions of demos for commercial tools are permitted. All submissions should briefly describe the problem being solved, the details of the approach, and (for posters) at least some preliminary results.
See the Call for Papers for details of the areas of interest, available at https://secdev.ieee.org/2020/papers/.
Submission Details
The website for submissions is https://hotcrp.ctisl.gtri.gatech.edu/.
Submissions should be 1 page long, not including bibliographic references. Submissions should not be anonymized, i.e., they should show author names and affiliations. Submissions must use the two-column IEEE Proceedings style: https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html.
If you have any questions, please email secdev20-pc@ieee.org.
Important Dates
- Poster and Tool Demo submissions deadline: TBA (11:59 PM AoE, UTC-12)
- Poster and Tool Demo submissions notification: TBA
- Conference: Monday September 28 to Wednesday September 30, 2020