2020 presentation guide
Presentation guide
Video specifications:
- Each video should be at most 15 minutes long. After streaming the video, 5 minutes live Q&A will be followed (i.e., a total of 20 minutes per presentation).
- For tutorials, each video 80 minutes + 10 minutes Q&A.
- File format: MP4.
- Video resolution: at least 720p.
- Aspect ratio: 16:9 preferred.
- Maximum file size: 300MB.
- Record the presenter’s face as well in the video. Make sure that the presenter’s picture doesn’t cover the slides.
- Please use the specified virtual background for your speaker’s view.
- Option 1. Zoom to do video recordings (see).
- Option 2. QuickTime for macOS users (e.g., blog).
- Option 3. Loom for Windows, macOS users.
- Option 4. Microsoft Powerpoint (PC version only, see).
- Option 5. Linux users (many options depending on your set up).
- Video Editing Option 1: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/.
- Video Editing Option 2: https://obsproject.com/.
Slides specifications:
- Download the SecDev template.
- File format: PDF.
- Aspect ratio: 16:9 preferred.
- Maximum file size: 50MB.
Videos/slides uploads:
Upload the videos/slides here. We will put the videos on Youtube in unlisted mode and share them to the registered attendees only.
- The video file should be named: “s%d-%02d-%s.mp4” % (session_id, order, last_name).
- The slides should be named: “s%d-%02d-%s.pdf” % (session_id, order, last_name).
- e.g.,
- Tutorial1 -> t01-N-lastname.mp4
- Tutorial2 -> t02-N-lastname.mp4
- Session1: Memory Safety -> s1-N-lastname.mp4
- Session2: Security by Practitioners -> s2-N-lastname.mp4
- Session3: Deception Systems -> s3-N-lastname.mp4
- Session4: Security Practices -> s4-N-lastname.mp4
- Session5: Network and Distributed Systems -> s5-N-lastname.mp4
- Session6: Automotive and Side-channel-> s6-N-lastname.mp4
Deadline: Sept 11st